My seat is a bit funny and yesterday truly discovered that on the right rein the 'steering' is much harder than on the left rein. My instructor helped me improve my seat and taught me to turn Rainbow by rotating my hips to the direction I wanted to go – coupled with turning my head (and shoulders) as well and picking a point in the school and going to that direction. I have obviously been aware of this turning of hips and rotating slightly to the direction you want to go, but I haven't been doing it consistently – or very successfully.
I have also had problems with the placement of my hands; my left hand (outside hand) shoots forward when I try to bend R on the right rein. Right rein really is my bug-bear at the moment! My instructor identified the problem with me trying to compensate as R tends to hang on to the outside rein on that rein. The key is, I now realise, to keep the contact consistent in the left hand (outside rein) and shake her off the outside with the right hand if needed, simultaneously making her move in front of the leg and come soft...Then add bend to it (in corners and circles) by steering the horse with your seat – rotate those hips, pick a point in the school you are travelling to! And once you are achieving this, the horse should be 'steerable' mainly with your seat, no need for using reins really, they're only for keeping the contact and keeping the horse soft but forward-going. Easy!*
The problem with riding is that the more you do it and the better you get at it, the more aware you become of how rubbish you are! Ignorance, truly, is a bliss...
(*I basically want to shoot anyone who says that dressage, or horse-riding, isn't a real sport and is easy.)

I was pleased with my session with Rainbow today, as we didn't have an instructor and I was just repeating the lessons learnt from yesterday, hopefully enforcing them to both of us. Rainbow behaved impeccably. We also did some canter transitions, and practised not running into canter (as Rainbow tries to!) and I am pleased to say that she, on the first go, actually raised canter from the first cue – and on the right rein (our tricky rein)! Later, we did regress slightly and she tried to run into the canter again, so I pulled her back and collected her before trying it again. My instructor also said that I need to follow up with the stick if she doesn't listen to my leg. So I had to remind her a little, but overall it was quite good. Also, it's important to prepare the transition with a little half-halt, to let the horse know there's a gear change ahead... Perhaps it's bit like pressing the clutch in a car...? I paid more attention to the transition preparations and it did help as R listened and made the transition as soon as I told her to.
We also tried a few transitions from canter to walk. They were OK and R did listen, but I think I need to practise more, also that she understands what's being asked. I found the downward transition was easy to ask but then she trotted quite a few steps, me bouncing on top, so it was not flawless... But overall, very pleased with today.
Rainbow's out in the field today and tomorrow, but on Sunday we have a equine podiatrist coming to see us as I am planning to going barefoot with Rainbow... More on that later!
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