However, I should let the few readers we have know that we have moved back to the UK. Pretty much back to the same area as before, even though not the same yard. We are now at a smaller yard where there is only about 6 horses and Rainbow gets to go out every day. I am starting a new job in London tomorrow, so that's part reason for moving, plus I actually just missed England. I have spent all my adult life here and while I don't regret trying Finland, I realised this is probably my place.
Saying goodbye to all of our horsey friends was hard. If I hadn't had Rainbow with me in Finland, I don't think I'd met all the lovely friends I did and formed friendships I hope last a lifetime. We will miss all the hacks in beautiful Finnish countryside. And we will miss our friends Hilja and Värssy, but the good thing is that planes still fly, so while the horses might not see each other, I will still see my friends.
Rainbow's journey back on a ferry from Helsinki to Germany and then by road to Holland, from where she was picked up by a UK transporter, all went well. I was there in Kangasala to send her off and I was there greeting her in England. I felt nervous of it but it all went fine and Rainbow has already settled at her new place. We will be taking the turn of the year easy but will probably look to take part in a few dressage competitions in the New Year and perhaps a few fun rides, and perhaps even commence jumping again :)
I will still post a few posts here when I feel I have something to say but I understand if readers' interest is waning... I won't take it personally !
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Windy ol' England. It's been super-windy here this week. In this picture Rainbow is not suffering but actually just trying to stand against the wind, hence the closed eyes. :) |
Kiva lukea kuulumisia, vaikka sitten harvemminkin. Hyvä että matka takaisin Englantiin ja sopeutuminen uuteen paikkaan on mennyt hyvin. Rainbow taitaa olla aika lunkia ja sopeutuvaa tyyppiä :) Mukavaa loppuvuotta teille!