With this in mind when I went to the yard this morning – during the daylight hours, for a change! – I wasn't really overly surprised or shocked to have discovered a spot of mud fever in Rainbow's one hind foot. I was brushing off the dried up mud and picking her fetlocks to remove some stubborn lumps of mud, when I suddenly noticed the irritated, pinkish skin... "Oh, no, please no...", thinking to myself. Having never seen mud fever before – other than in photos – I asked for a second opinion from one of the girls. As such it was confirmed and I was instructed to gently wash it, dry it and then add anti-bac onto it. Fine, except the frozen taps due to the exceptionally cold weather and no clean towels at hand made the whole operation rather challenging. I had to boil some hot water in the warm room a couple of times, in order to wash the fetlock area and to make it a bit more comfortable for Rainbow. Didn't really have heart to splash ice-cold water on R's feet.
I also had to get some stuff to put on the irritated skin. One of the girls told me to go and buy Hypocare in the shop... As I didn't have any other stuff at hand, I thought I'd give it a go, as the girl had told me it's "amazing stuff" and can be used for almost anything.
www.horseware.com/hypocare |
No mud spa (the paddock) for Rainbow for a few days, while I keep an eye on her feet. Will need to keep her as dry as possible for a while, too... I hope I've caught it early, as the skin only looked a little irritated pink, not totally raging red or oozing anything, so that's good.
But it's never fun to discover something like this and, especially, when I have tried to be sensible, so haven't over-washed her feet and always let the mud to dry before brushing it off. I have also kept her stable as clean and dry as possible, with plenty of straw bedding, which actually is brilliant stuff for cleaning. I often put R in her stable with muddy feet and by morning the straw has brushed them off and dried her feet too. Apparently, according to the shop-keeper, mud fever has been bad this year. So, possibly, I am not alone. Ho hum.
This happened to my friend's horse recently. I'll have to send her this post if you don't mind!
ReplyDeleteNot at all, glad to be of any 'help'!
ReplyDeleteHello Dear :) We usually use sinkkivoide (zinc oxide cream? not sure what it is in English) in Finland and I got instructions from our local horse clinic to use it - and do not wash the skin at all. Just gently brush the dirt off with a soft brush. The sinkki cream will make a protective layer for the skin and it will heal quickly. PS. sinkkivoide on halpaa, jos ostat vauvan ihonhoitoon tarkoitettua marketista http://www.nettiterveysapteekki.fi/tuotteet/lapset/natusan-sinkkivoide-100-g-100771 tai esim. tälläistä http://www.apteekkituotteet.fi/Zinkosal-sinkkivoide-20-g
ReplyDeleteHei! Mulla sattuu olemaan tallaista, kun aiti toi kerran arsyyntyneeseen ihoon - Ainu Sinkkivoide: http://www.vaunuaitta.fi/ainu-sinkkivoide-p-1738.html
DeleteEntas mites Helosan (sitakin loytyy) - ainakin viela 90-luvulla sita laitettiin ponien jalkoihin :)
Joo en aio enaa pesta mutta huuhtelin siita mutakokkareet yms pois. Yritin kuivata hyvin. Huomenna ajattelin laittaa voidetta, esim tuota sinkkivoidetta...
Joo, varmasti kaikki sinkkivoiteet tepsii. Klinikalta saa vielä sellaista, johon on sekoitettu parafiiniöljyä mukaan. Siis samaa, mitä käytetään ähkyssä hevosen letkutukseen. Se ei imeyty ihoon ja auttaa tekemään suojaavan kalvon. Parafiiniöljyä kannattaa aina olla ensiaputarpeiksi itselläkin, jos hepalle tulee ähkyoireita. Tarvii nokkapullon, että saa suuhun. Mulla on tälläinen: http://www.agrimarket.fi/Harraste_elaimet/hevoset/hoitotuotteet/horse-power-parafiinioljy-500-ml/ tuota saa isommassakin tonkassa.