Friday, September 13, 2013

Still alive and kicking!

Back from Finland where I had my operation. Have been convalescing for about a week now and actually starting to feel better, and not waking up in the night when changing position, which has helped with feeling less tired. The operation went well, but it always takes a bit of time to get over the bruised feeling and being able to move in a normal way. 

Popped in at our summerhouse near Ruovesi while recuperating in Finland.

I am not allowed to ride for about 2–3 weeks after the operation. So, in the grand scheme of things, not a very long time at all. Now it's already over a week since the operation, so only about 2 weeks left! Yay! 

When I got back I wanted to go and see Rainbow straightaway. She looked good, if not a little rotund, but I guess the 24/7 eating and holiday is to blame. No, but she looks happy and chilled out, so I am fairly confident bringing her back into work won't be too dramatic. As I am not allowed to ride and not willing to lunge yet, in case she does happen to tank around, etc., I will be using others to bring her back to work – and to  take her out for little hacks too...  So when I am fit and ready to mount again, at the end of this month, she's definitely chilled out and sensible. And we're still waiting for the new saddle to arrive, so not in a hurry for that reason either. 

First  off for Wed morning I had booked Rainbow a tooth appointment... Not sure how pleased she was that Mummy was back... :)

My mum flew back to the UK with me for a little break and is staying with us until Monday. She's been helping with the mucking out every day as I am not allowed to lift heavy things. So she's learned the 'art' of cleaning a stable. 

My mum is not a 'horsey person', she likes animals but has never  e.g. sat on a horse (the only animal she's sat on was a camel, on some holiday in Turkey...) – until today! Yesterday mum asked if I thought it'd be silly of her trying it out and I thought, 'great!' so I booked her a little private lesson and she rode a whole 30 mins. Trotting and everything. The basics, of course, but it was great. Mum said she really enjoyed sitting on the horse and it felt really nice walking along and sitting up there. And she said that riding makes you feel really good afterwards. Well, she is preaching to the converted! :) 

Stable hand - AKA Mum. :)

Mum having her first ever riding lesson - first time riding too. I think she's being explained how to do rising trot.

Tomorrow mum and I are off to Blenheim Horse Trials, to spectate some eventing and show jumping... And there's a huge shopping village... Will need to bring a credit card, me thinks... 


  1. En tiedä passaako kysyä, mutta mikä leikkaus sulla Suomessa olikaan? Ja pointsit äidille, mun omani ei koskaan uskaltaisi! :D

    1. Hei! Juu ei mitään, olin tahdistin leikkauksessa. Minulla on synnynnäinen sydänvika ja oli taas patterin vaihdon aika.

  2. Kiva kuulla, että kaikki meni hyvin! Sun äitisi näyttää niin tarmokkaalta tuolla satulassa, mahtoiko hevoskärpänen puraista kunnolla? Pian pääsetkin takaisin satulaan! Ja olen muuten ihan kateellinen siitä, että saat asua siellä Englannissa. Ainakin mun mielikuvien mukaan se on oikein hevosihmisen paratiisi.

    1. Hei Liisa! Anteeksi, huomasin vasta nyt sinun kirjoittaneen tanne. :)

      Kylla aiti tykkasi ratsastaa, mutta en tieda tuleeko siita harrastus. Mutta oli kiva 'nayttaa' hanelle, etta mista on kysymys. Ja ehka kokeilee taas uudestaan jossain vaiheessa.

      Kyllahan taalla Englannissa ollaan ehka yleisesti ja kulttuurillisesti elainrakkaita ja hevoset kuuluvat myos kuvaan. Eivat kaikki tietysti ratsasta ja jossain maarin pidetaan paremman luokan 'huvina', mutta kylla taalla sen nakee esim. siina etta on ratsastaen saa kulkea aika vapaasti teilla ja tietyilla niityilla/pelloilla, seka on sellaisia hevosille tarkoitettuja reitteja, jotka ovat 'bridleways'. Joten hevoset ovat vielakin tietylla tavalla osa maalaiskulttuuria.

      Ja tietysti harrastusmahdollisuudet on hyvat kun on paljon kilpailuja ja huviratsastuksia, joita jarjestetaan monilla talleilla, niin ei kauas tarvitse lahtea ja joka viikonloppu jotain. Ja sitten on talvisin ketunmetsastys (siis mika ei ole enaa sallittua, mutta vetavat 'hajua' nykyaan oikean ketun sijaan), jossa mennaan tuhatta ja sataa peltojen poikki ja esteiden ylitse... En itse ajatellut kokeilla, tosin... :)
