Monday, February 4, 2013

High pressure in the Atlantic

We had agreed to go out on a 'canter hack' with our friends Denise and Zara. I have been wanting to do it a long time – don't think we've cantered on a hack since August... I am a little scared of cantering in open spaces. Well, it's not the cantering or speed – I quite like speed – but I am always worried that the horse will run off with me or start bucking. When I cantered Rainbow in August, she did throw a couple of bucks, which I didn't like. It's also the fear of falling off in an open space and your horse running off.

Our route took us through the village and over the main village road, onto the other side where we walked up a road taking us to the top of the hill. Then we turned right onto an open stubble field where Denise suggested we'd have a little canter. I was nervous, so she said she'd go ahead with Zara and I could stick Rainbow's nose behind Zara's to keep behind her and thus control the speed, should Rainbow not listen to me. Hesitantly I gave R the cue to raise canter. I think she was actually a little surprised by it and I could almost hear her ask me if she indeed should canter. I gave her an extra squeeze with my legs and so we cantered. She behaved beautifully cantered in a really nice way. So much so that I told Denise to keep cantering. Afterwards I felt elated, still a little nervous but very pleased how well it had gone.

We continued along the field path in walk and came across another rider and a dog, other dog walkers as well as cyclists. The day was sunny but quite breezy, the wind on top of the hills was quite relentless. Lucky I was wearing layers. I think our horses were in high spirits due to this high pressure in the Atlantic, too, as they were alertly looking around and staring at the cyclists, etc. But they didn't freeze or do anything silly.

Later on Denise suggested another little canter and I agreed. As Denise and Zara spurted off again and I asked Rainbow to raise canter and follow, this time it didn't go to plan. She started to buck, buck, buck. I tried to remember everything that I had been taught that I should kick her on and not let stop. Tried to pull the head up too and keep myself in light sitting, leaning back and heels way down. I must have partially succeeded as I she was mainly bucking 'below' me, so not touching my bum, hence not propelling me into the space. But boy did it come close – one of the last bucks she had managed to slow down enough to put some welly into the buck so all I could think, when looking at the tarmac road below me, that I don't want to fall off. I lost balance but hung onto Rainbow's neck like a possessed woman, saying to myself "I am not falling off!" Then I managed to sit up again and was now sitting on cantering Rainbow – who was now chasing after her friend – with one stirrup only and trying to pull the reins back and make Rainbow calm down, simultaneously calling out to Denise to slow down too.

Finally it all calmed down, but Rainbow was feeling fresh after that, so much so I didn't want to even trot as I was worried she'd confuse it with another chance to canter and buck, so we walked all the way back. Rainbow was swishing her head, but then also going on the bit (bizzarely), so I thought I'd reward it and soften the reins as she did. But then in the downhill bit we had to walk down slight sideways and I was worried that she might start running down the hill. Luckily, so far, it seems, that Rainbow's brakes generally work and she doesn't run off. She was just really exuberant and happy, hence the bucking – but I just don't like it!!

I realise the key is to keep cantering on hacks, making it as routine as possible, and somehow learn to control her, and stop the bucking before she manages to put her head down. Any volunteers?!?


  1. Jep, melkein jo arvasin tuossa tarinan vaiheessa, että miten käy. Toka kerralla teidän olisi kannattanut mennä edellä. Meinaan jos kaveri tulee hallitusti perässä, niin etummainen ei lähde yksin mihinkään. Takana tullessa taas on painetta kilpailla ja noin käy helposti. Kannattaa tehdä ennen laukannostoa kurinalaisia käynti-ravi-käynti siirtymisiä, niin hevonen tietää, että olet "niskanpäällä". Sitten laukassakin kannattaa tehdä ennemmin useita työstettyjä ja lyhyitä ravi-laukka-ravi siirtymisiä, niin hevonen ei ota laukkaa maastossa sellaisena "jee, nyt saa mennä!" -asiana, vaan kuuntelee ja ajattelee ennemmin "montako askelta saan laukata tällä kertaa?". Rainbow tarvisi sellaisen kerran, että selässä on joku pitkän piiskan kanssa ja antaa napakasti selkään, kun persus nousee - toimi ainakin Emmillä. Nyt Emmi on tosin ollut hiukan lepsulla koulutuksella, kun en oo komentanut sitä hetkeen. Tiedän kumminkin, että piiskalla saisin sen taas "muistamaan", että pukittelu ei ole kiva juttu. Omaa leväperäisyyttä, kun tamma on aika huono pukittamaan (onneksi), enkä meinaa tippua.

  2. Niinpa, itsekin mietin, etta olisi vahintaan taytynyt menna edella. Toinenkin kaveri sanoi, etta pitaisi jo vahan etukateen pyytaa silta ja sitten ei pyytakaan, eli vahan niinkuin tuota ravi-kaynti-ravi yms siirtymista, etta heppa pysyy kuulolla. Itse olen vain sellainen mamis, etta taas tuntuu ettei maastolaukoista tule mitaan. :)

    1. Kyllä niistä tulee. Päätät vaikka alkuun juurikin, että laukkaan tuohon postilaatikoille ja otan seis (vaikka 10m). Hevonen kyllä vaistoaa, kun et anna sille vapaata vaan jo noston jälkeen alat valmistella pysähtymistä. Joku muu voi tehdä edellä ensin samaa ja sitten vaihtelette kumpi menee edellä pikkupätkiä. Eikä tuo pukittaminen niin paha asia ole, tärkeintä on että hevosella on jarrut suusta. Pukittamisen saa kyllä kitkettyä pois, jos pyydät jonkun kokeneen mennä maastossa kerran ja komentaa tammaa mikäli se temppuilee. Kyllä ne äkkiä oppii säännöt, mutta ei ilman opettamista. Maastossa on niin kivaa riehaantua, jos sen saa tehdä... Tsemppiä! et ole ainoa, jolle noin käy. Emmi tekee mulle ihan samaa.

    2. Joo kiitos :). Aion kylla jatkaa ja Annika on lupautunut viemaan myos maastoon ja kouluttamaan. Ja jos se ei onnistu, niin paljonkos sina laskutatkaan hevosen intensiivikouluttamisesta, vai ihanko ruokapalkalla...? ;)

    3. Niin muuten ja kannattaa passittaa joku kokenut selkään jo seuraavalla maastokerralla. Hevosilla on tapana muistaa tasan tarkkaan, mitä viimeksi tekivät ja koittavat toistaa sen. Paras kitkeä heti pois tuo temppuilu, niin ei tule tavaksi.
