Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year

I popped in Finland for a bit of skiing up north, in Ruka, and spent the Christmas at parents' in Tampere with my other half. It was a lovely, peaceful Christmas.

Rainbow had most of the 10 days off, though she was ridden by a friend a couple of times, who took R out for a hack, too.

Rainbow, usually a mild-mannered lady, had decided to turn into a bit of a hooligan over holidays (while mummy was away) and deemed her paddock buddy boring, so busted out through fencing over to the other side where some horses were in a bigger field. Then she refused to be caught, so I gather she spent a stormy night outside (the weather's been awful in the UK) ... Luckily I only heard about it days after the event – as didn't really fancy worrying over it while thousands of miles away – and luckily R was unscathed.

I got back and lunged Rainbow on the first day, just in case there was any 'freshness', but she was her normal self. The next day we had a really nice hack in beautiful sunshine, even though it was a bit frosty on the ground and some bits of roads had iced up. I took R on verges as much as I could when there was clear ice on the road, and she seemed fine. 

This week the weather has been changeable to say the least. I have been schooling R this week in the indoor school and I am pleased that I notice I have made some progress. I seem to be able to ride R and get her to collect herself without the constant need for instruction. Now I just remember my instructors' comments in my head and try to follow them. This also that I have noticed I am not very flush with money at the moment, so have decided to reduce the number of lessons I take. I can ride my horse for free and, after having so much 'intensive' training over the past autumn, maybe it's good to practise those 'lessons learned' and let things sink in a bit. Maybe this is just a sign of me maturing as a rider and feeling that I don't need instruction for every time I mount a horse. 

New Year's Day the rain was horizontal as I dragged my other half to help muck out (I think I was still under the influence of alcohol from the night before, so actually needed chauffeur!) But he obliged and it was nice to have some help. I didn't ride, so Rainbow got a little outing in the back warm up arena with her friend and was then tucked in her stable with hay for the rest of the day while the owner went home and sat by the fire all day watching films. I love TV around Christmas holidays here, so many films and good telly on... Made even more enjoyable after having been outside in the gale and rain. 

Girls' new paddock after Rainbow busted out of the old one (the old one was also like Somme), however, Rainbow jumped over the fence from this one as well this week, so she's not using it now... I think her recent intensive SJ training is useful for her in ways I didn't intend/anticipate... Cheeky mare.

Wet owner and her slightly demented-looking horse.

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