Thursday, November 8, 2012

Been a busy week

I haven't had much to report recently on the horsey front, weeks seem to be rolling into one big mass of lessons, hacking out and us trying to learn how to go in formation...
A path which is part of our hack route near the yard.

My parents visited me last weekend, so Rainbow had a couple of days off. My personal horsey highlight from last weekend must be Sunday morning when mum came to the yard with me and helped me muck out Rainbow's stable! It was a rainy day, so help was most welcome and made the process a lot quicker. I taught mum how it's done - she's never mucked out a stable before - and soon she was declaring that when she retires she would be happy to come and 'work' for me as a stable hand. So I could just ride while mum cleans Rainbow's stable. Result - I'll take that! It must be a genetic thing, then, as I really don't mind mucking out in general. Yes it's sometimes hard work, but the positives of doing it really outweigh the negatives in my mind: for instance, it's great muscle-toning exercise.  Also, no matter how chilly I feel when I arrive at the yard, within a few minutes of poo picking and wheeling I am already peeling layers of clothing off. Since I have owned a horse, I haven't really worried about what I eat as I am slimmer and more toned than I have ever been. And, finally, it's highly satisfying to lead Rainbow back into her clean stable afterwards and see her do a 'complimentary' thank-you pee almost instantly... Too much information?!

Even though my weekend was pretty much taken over by parents and other activities, such as going to see the new James Bond film (superb, by the way), I did make sure we attended our fortnightly Claire's lesson on Monday evening. Mum and dad had the pleasure of watching us from the sidelines. I think they got a bit cold standing around a good part of the hour, but at least they saw their daughter on her new pony (I felt like I was 10 years old again).

The first half of the lesson was flatwork and I must say it is currently a bit of struggle: We weren't propelling forwards properly half of the time; steering/bending to the right seems like an alien concept to Rainbow at the moment; I can get her on the bit but not to stay there. It's all a bit 'fighty' with her at the moment when we try to work the basics. I mean she behaves but I can just sense it's not particularly fun for her. I have been feeling a bit at odds with her when in school, she's almost looking a bit reluctant when I lead her to the school. When I explained this to Claire she was just saying Rainbow being green and teamwork only really develops overtime. Sometimes working is hard and it's not always meant to be fun, but the sooner she learns to eg carry herself better, she's working more efficiently. I need to keep persisting with Rainbow and be stricter in asking for her to carry herself. This week, all of this just feels like a lot of hard work.

Then, when we jump a totally new horse emerges. Enthusiastic and complying. We did a couple of small cross-poles again and over we went like they were double the height. Claire praised us and said we look a lot better - apparently, I should have my parents watching more often if it produces such results. 

It's just over two weeks until the dressage test we're meant to be doing, so I will need to soon start rehearsing that with Rainbow. My aim won't be perfect formation all the time but to go the correct route, at least. Not feeling inspired this week but I am determined.


  1. Hepat yleensä vaistoaa ratsastajan mielentilan ja tulokset on usein sen mukaisia. Jos olen löysällä päällä, en saa Emmiä tekemään mitään. Toisena päivä se on taas tosi ryhdikäs, jos itse olen tarmokkaalla tuulella. Nuori heppa tarvii rutiinia, jotta oppii tekemään töitä. Kyllä se siitä! Mielenkiinnolla odotellaan teidän tulevia kisoja :)

    1. Hei! Joo mulla on vahan mielessa kaikkia asioita jotka saattavat vaikuttaa Rainbown mielentilaan. Se on myos laihtunut tassa vahasen kesasta, joten annan sille taas vahan lisaravintoa enka pelkkaa heinaa. Oletko muuten koskaan kayttanyt mitaan satulan alle kiinnitettavia geeli tai muita pehmusteita? Laihtumisen vuoksi huomaan satulan etuosan olevan jo aika lahella sakaa, joten ajattelin pehmustaa satulaa geelijutuilla tms ennen kuin pistan satulaa muutettavaksi (silla ostin sen vasta elokuussa ja en nyt ihan heti haluaisi laittaa sita uudelleen taytettavaksi, varsinkin jos saan neitiin vahan painoa ruokkimalla yms).

      Mutta juu onhan omistajankin tuulella suuri vaikutus! Elaimet ovat sellaisia mielialapeileja :)

    2. Tälläinen vois olla hyvä Rainbowlle ja Emmillekin tai tälläinen lampaankarva:

    3. Kiitos! Tuo lampaankarvainen on aivan ihana...

    4. Ole hyvä :) Mä haaveilen edelleen myös tuosta lampaankarvaisesta on hiukan kallis!
