Monday, June 3, 2013


Well I don't have much to report as it seems that life is quite samey at the moment. I am riding Rainbow 2–5 times a week, weather, mood and work permitting. This week's been fantastic as the weather seems to be holding and it's been rather gorgeous. So to celebrate this unusual event, I thought I'd give R the whole weekend off. After Friday morning's lesson, I took her down to the field and I didn't collect until Sunday evening. I could have left her in the field even until this morning, but I thought I'd bring her in for a little respite as she had somehow managed to get rid of her flymask on Saturday (popped by to check on her), so thought she might appreciate having a little bit of shelter from the pesky flies. They really do circle around her eyes. It's disgusting. 

Funny sight on Saturday: when I popped to the field to check on R – I just walked up to the mares when they were grazing under this big oak tree – all the other horses and ponies were grazing on the ground but my mare decided she was at least a distant relative to giraffes and was reaching, reaching as much as could to get hold of some  branches. The end of her lip trying so hard to reach the leaves... Finally she got hold of some, she pulled the branch down and gobbled it in her mouth.... Standing there happily with half an oak tree hanging out of her mouth.

Today's hack route. It was another slow and gentle one... :)

I am starting to look towards the summer months 'proper' and I am also beginning to plan our diary a bit. Nothing big but I am hoping to go to an event or two with her before the summer's out. We might end up doing our first trips just as companions to others but at least this will get us out and I can see what R is like in a new place.

My chickens enjoying the summer evening last night.

My cat Percy 

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