Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Rainbow spent a peaceful Christmas in the field with friends. She also spent a peaceful New Year in the field. Lucky horse. 

I managed to get in some riding too and it's been rather nice to have lots of time to potter around in the yard. Although sometimes I am quite horrified how I can spend around 4 hours a day there and not even notice the time passing... 

But, we have learnt something new over the past few weeks, too: turning on the forehand! She turns well to the right (by which I mean her face facing left and the backside moving to the right). She learnt it almost instantly. First she struggled a bit with turning to the left (facing right and backside moving leftwards), but after a bit of more explicit persuasion, and not letting her back or walk, she began to grasp that quickly, too. As a result, I have learnt that my horse is a very quick learner and eager to please: When I praised her after a success – and let her walk on as a reward – then, a moment later, when I asked her to halt again and do the harder left-turn, pressing with my right leg, she began to turn into my leg, offering me the easier right turn. Bless, eager to please but not quite right. Today we did a bit more forehand turn and again, and eager to please, this time she began turning even when I only asked her to halt squarely. So, in the end we had to 're-practise' simple halting with her for a few times at the end of the session, to stop her offering me forehand turns every time!


The only niggly thing has been my back pain, which has been bothering me quite a few weeks now and thus made riding a bit unpleasant. I am also having to work quite hard with Rainbow to keep her mind on the task, to stop any silly 'spookiness'. She's been a lot better, though, but I am having to ride her with purpose to keep her that way. 

I went to see an osteopath this morning. I have muscle pains and aches here and there, which I can mainly identify having been caused by mucking out and perhaps riding, too. Although, riding is the lesser evil – as long as I don't fall off! My osteopath has suggested that I'd lay off mucking out for a couple of weeks to give my back a break... I need to find out how costly it will be to keep R on 'full livery' for a bit. I did muck her out today and definitely could feel the muscles hurting the osteopath had manipulated this morning, so I think it might be sensible to have a little break. I will still ride and groom R but not do the heavy wheelbarrowing... Will see.

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