Friday, January 18, 2013

The day snow came...

The effect of a bit of white stuff on this little island is magnificent. Everything grinds to a halt and people are very unsure as to how to function normally. Traffic, mainly, suffers the most, as cars are not equipped with winter tyres, so moving becomes treacherous.

My car doesn't have winter tyres either, but luckily we have another car, a 4x4 which has winter tyres, so I could make the journey to the yard almost as normal today. Cars without winter tyres were struggling up the slightest gradient. At one point I actually overtook three vehicles – Ka,  Fiesta and Sainsbury's van – in one go and uphill! At full 30mph! Made my day.

We are meant to go to Paris for a day tomorrow. Here's to hoping trains run...

Horses, however, seemed quite bemused by the white stuff. 

Stables this morning

Rodney is unsure

My new wheelbarrow!

Rainbow and Zara were quite bemused by snow. They rolled around in it (good, cleans the rug at the same time!)

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